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How to activate and use "Engage" 🤔

What is Engage?

  • Engage is an automated marketing tool that helps your restaurant boost customer retention using WhatsApp

  • It aims to encourage new customers to order constantly (customers who order 3 times are more likely to become regular customers)

  • Engage also collects automated feedback on the order from your new customers

What does it do?

  • For first time customers, Engage sends a welcome message after their first order

  • If those customers haven't ordered in a while, it sends another message to encourage them to re-order from your website

  • If customers don't re-order; Engage stops sending messages to avoid spamming

  • Engage fees are deducted from the order value after they pay, your visitors don't pay anything extra

How does it work?


  • Once Engage is enabled, it will send messages which are friendly and personalized to your customers

  • You can choose the first, second and third message/reward that are sent to your customers

  • Once you activate Engage it works in the background and there's nothing more you need to do


  • Engage is available only for Kuwait stores who are integrated with Online Payment Gateways  

  • Engage is available for all Zyda plans

  • It can be disabled at any time

  • Engage only works on new customers who haven't ordered before from your store

  • After their first order, your first message/incentive is sent to the customers 2 hours after accepting their order. If those customers did not place orders within 20 days, a second message/incentive will be sent to encourage them to re-order. You may change these settings on request, please reach out to customer support to ask us to change the wait time to send Engage 1 or Engage 2/3 from minutes, hours or days.

  • If a customer gets 2 messages and doesn't re-order, the messages will stop so they would not be considered as Spam

  • Engage fees are 250 fils. they are deducted from the order value. Fees are not added on top of the order value

  • Engage fees apply for new customers, for their first 3 orders. No fees are deducted from 4th, 5th orders... etc

To enable Engage, follow the below steps:

1- Go to "Marketing" and then "Engage Autopilot"


2- At the top right, click on "Activate"


3- Another tab will open so you can choose a what message/reward you want to send to customers:


First Incentive
Choose the First Inactive message/reward that will be sent 2 hours after their first order. The message will only be sent if you accept the order


Second Incentive
Click on "Next" to choose the Second Inactive message/reward, where you will select the 2nd message that will be sent to your customers after 20 days if they did not submit any orders after the 1st message was sent to them


Third Incentive
Click on "Next" to choose the Third Inactive message/reward, where you will select the 3nd message that will be sent to your customers after 20 days if they did not submit any orders after their second order


You can select from the following the type of messages that will be sent to your customers:

Please note that the messages language that will be sent to the customers will be automatically based on the language that the customer did choose when he submitted the order on your website

  • Thank customers for ordering and ask them to rate their order (Good/Average/Bad): Send a thank you message and ask customers to rate their order (Good, Average, Bad) after accepting their order."


    (You can only select this option for the first message)

  • Only thank users for placing their order: Send a thank you message wishing to see them soon.

    (You can only select this option for the first message)

  • Give cashback to encourage re-ordering: Send them a message and place a cashback reward in their wallet to be used on their next order. You can select the percentage of the cashback (calculated from their last order's total value) for the customer to enjoy


  • Offer free delivery valid to 10 days: Send them a message and offer a free delivery voucher valid for 10 days

  • Offer % discount valid to 10 days: Send them a message and offer a percent discount for the customer to enjoy on their next order. This voucher is valid for 10 days

  • Offer a fixed discount valid to 10 days: Send them a message and offer a fixed value discount for the customer to enjoy on their next order. This voucher is valid for 10 days

  • Only remind customers to order again: Send a "We've missed you" message if they haven't ordered within 20 days.


    (You can only select this for your second and third message)

Now your Engage Autopilot will be running automatically and once it is activated, you will be able to see an overview of the following:

  • Last 30 days Sales & Orders for Engage customers


  • Targeted Customers Number:

    (Number of customers who are scheduled to receive messages)


  • Number of Messages sent:

    (Total number of messages sent to customers)


  • Number of Customers Lost:

    (Number of customers that did not order 10 days after receiving their second or third message)


  • Lifetime retention progress:

    (Lifetime retention funnel showing the number of the Sales & Orders for 1st, 2nd and 3rd orders and the conversion rate between each step)

To watch a short video of how to activate and use "Engage"