How to activate and use "Verd Network" 🤔

What is Verd Network?

  • Verd Network is a streamlined solution tailored to enhance the operational efficiency. By seamlessly integrating with courier services like Armada, Wiyak, and Mashkour. 
  • Verd Network empowers you to effortlessly manage your delivery operations. This feature enables automatic assignment of orders to couriers based on two predefined criteria: fastest time to pickup or the most cost-effective delivery option. 
  • By offering a unified interface under the Zyda ecosystem, Verd Network simplifies the process of accepting orders and coordinating deliveries, ultimately providing you with the tools you need to optimize your delivery processes and focus on delivering exceptional service to their customers.

What does it do?

  • Verd Network allows you to be only one click away from getting a courier ready to deliver your order.
  • You can easily control how much the customer pays for delivery.
  • You can select one courier to be your default delivery.
  • Auto-assign allows you to have a default courier per branch with criteria being who is Fastest/Cheapest

How does it work? 


  • Once Verd Network is enabled, you will be able to enable Dynamic Delivery Fee Pricing for Customers 
  • This will allow you to select how much of the delivery cost does the customer pay, and to which extent you would want to share the cost. 
  • If selected at 0% you will be paying the full delivery cost (Customer will be paying 0 KWD for delivery) 
  • If selected at 100% the customer will be paying the full delivery amount. Percentage determines cost in between both amounts.

  • Below You will be able to see the available Verd Network integrations and you will also be able to select a “Default Courier” 
  • Each courier will have a rating, Delivery Cost and you can also choose to get an estimated delivery time provided by the courier themselves. 


  • Feature allows you to automatically assign any order once accepted. You can choose one of three options per branch (Assign to Fastest, Assign to Cheapest, or Assign to Default) 
  • You can also choose a setting that applies to all branches, or per branch specifically.  


  • Verd Network is available only for Kuwait stores who are integrated with Online Payment Gateways, and it only works on orders paid online.

  • Verd Network is available for all Zyda plans

  • It can be disabled at any time

  • Verd Network fees are 100 fils for Standard plan and 75 fils for Growth, and are deducted from the order value. Fees are not added on top of the order value.