How to check your Orderfast wallet ๐Ÿค”

To check Orderfast' Wallet, follow the below steps:

User Authority to check Orderfast' Wallet:

  • Owner โœ…

  • Manager โœ…

  • Operator โŽ

1- Go to "Orderfast" tab


2- Select "Wallet" to check the following:


  • "Total paid by wallet" (Total amount of orders paid by wallet)

  • "Amount in wallets": (Total amounts left in wallets)

  • "Transactions History"

    • Amount

    • Type (Paid by wallet / Refunded to wallet)

    • Date

    • Order Number

    • Customer Name

    • Phone Number


3- In order to view the details of a particular order that was paid by wallet or refunded to wallet, click on the order number to redirect you to the orderโ€™s details


To watch a short video of how to check your Orderfast wallet