To create segment targeting sms campaign, follow the below steps:
User Authority to create segment targeting sms campaign:
Owner ✅
Manager ✅
Operator ❎
1- Go to "Marketing" and then "SMS Campaigns"
2- At the top right, click on "Create Campaign"
3- Add the "Campaign Title"
4- Choose the purpose of this campaign
Smart Campaigns
If you want to Encourage your current customers to order again, then select "Retention"
If you want to Target one of your customer segment with predefined goals, then select "Segment Targeting"
Classic Campaigns
If you want to send the campaign to all people immediately to Stany in contact with your customers and give them updates, then choose
5- Click on "Get Started"
Segment Targeting Campaigns
You can select to send the SMS messages to "All Customers” or target specific segment:
Champions: Ordered many times recently
Loyal: Ordered many times in the last three months
Promising: Ordered a few times recently
New: Just made their first order recently
Low Value: Ordered very few times and last order was a long time ago
Needs Attention: Ordered many times but it has been a while
Select the "Campaign Goal" : Select a goal that match your need, it will help you decide the content (Retain your champs / Increase basket size / Re-engage users / Encourage second orders)
In "Voucher" section, select the "Voucher" type (No Voucher / Percentage / Amount / Free Delivery) and fill the needed details
You can use the Toolbox which are shortcuts to (Direct Link / Voucher code / Voucher expiry / Voucher value)
In "Time Period" Select the Start & End Date
You will be able to see the summary of (Target Segment / Estimated Customer Reach / Available SMS Credits / Estimated SMS Credits) and the message that will be sent to your customers
You will be able to test the SMS by clicking on "Send myself a test SMS"
7- Click on "Launch Campaign"
To watch a short video of how to create a segment targeting sms campaign