How to integrate with Foodics 🤔

To integrate with Foodics, follow the below steps:

User Authority to integrate with Foodics:

  • Owner

  • Manager

  • Operator

Zyda’s integration with Foodics

The Foodics Zyda Integration is a connectivity solution that enables seamless synchronization of your POS and Order Management Platform. The integration provides a fast and efficient way to handle operations by eliminating the need for manual data entry, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction.

About Foodics

Foodics is the trusted POS & Order Management Platform for restaurants, retail stores, caterers, chefs, and others in the food industry. It is one of the popular sources for all restaurant management needs and gateway to the F&B & Fintech ecosystem.

To be able to connent Foodics on Zyda's dashboard, you will have to do the below steps:

On Zyda's dashboard

1- Disable/Remove Taxes:

  • Go to "Setup"

  • Select "Business Information"

  • Scroll down to disable the taxes by disabling "Licensed Business"

2- Disable (Card on Delivery):

  • Go to "Setup"

  • Select "Payment Gateways"

  • Scroll down to disable "Card on Delivery"

3- Disable (Auto Accept Orders):

  • Go to "Setup"

  • Select "Orders Management"

  • Scroll down to disable "Auto Accept Orders" and "Save Changes"

4- Connect Foodics

  • Go to "Setup"

  • Select "Integrations"

  • Click on "Get Started"

  • Read the instructions

  • Click on "Connect Now"

Now that you're connected to Foodics, you will need to login into Foodics dashboard with your credentails and set up the charges, taxes and menu


On Foodics's dashboard

1- Setting Charges

  • Go to "Manage"

  • Click on "More"

  • Select "Charges" and then "Create Charge" :

    • Name: you need to add it the same as following: delivery from zyda

    • Type: Amount

    • Value: Yes (To ensure that the cashier can input the charge value manually)

    • Apply: Delivey (As per your choice)

    • Branches: (As per your choice)

    • Tax: (As per your choice)

    • Click on "Save"

2- Setting Taxes

  • Go to "Manage"

  • Click on "Taxes & Groups"

  • Ensure that your tax configuration is set with your required tax details

3- Creating Zyda's Menu Group

  • Go to "Menu"

  • Click on "Groups"

  • Create Group with the desaird name

  • Select the products or the categories you want to import the

  • Click on "Save"


Import Menu from Foodics

  • In Zyda, go to "Menu"

  • Select "Items"

  • At the top right, click on the options signs, and select "Import catalog from foodics"

  • Link the branches you have on Foodics with the branches you have on Zyda and then click on "Next"

In Foodics, each branch must have its equivalent in Zyda

  • In "Menu Groups", select the group that you created on Foodics

  • Click on "Save"

Important Notes

  • Importing the menu from Foodics will remove and replace the old menu


  • It is important for you to do those steps from your side so you can receive an email with all the products that were not imported with a clarification of how to fix their errors so they could be imported successfully

  • Any changes on the menu should be done from Foodics dashboard and it will reflect on Zyda accordingly

  • Importing the menu could take a couple of minutes and up to 24 hours based on how large is the menu imported

To watch a short video of how to integrate with Foodics and import the menu