To set an item as not available / out of stock, follow the below steps:
There are 2 ways to set an item as not available / out of stock
1st Way
User Authority to set an item as not available / out of stock:
Owner ✅
Manager ✅
Operator ❎
1- Go to "Menu" and then "Items"
2- Select the item that you want to change it's availability
3- In "Info" section", scroll down till you find "Item tracking"
4- In "Item tracking", change the availability of the item in each branch:
If the item tracking was set to "None" then change the availability by clicking on the dropdown sign under "Status" and make it "Not Available"
If the item tracking was set to "Inventory" or "Capacity", there are 2 ways to show the item as sold-out or not available:
Change the number to "0" under "Quantity"
Change the status to "Not Available"
2nd Way
User Authority to set an item as not available / out of stock (2nd Way):
Owner ✅
Manager ✅
Operator ✅
1- Go to "Menu" and then "Item tracking"
2- Search for the item in the search bar
3- Mark the item as "Not Available" or edit it's stock to = 0 in case the item was set to "Inventory" or "Capacity"
To watch a short video of how to set an item as not available / out of stock