How to sort categories & items 🤔

To sort categories & items, follow the below steps:

User Authority to sort categories & items:

  • Owner

  • Manager

  • Operator


You can rearrange the categories and items on your dashboard and it will reflect the same on your website

Sort Categories

1- Go to "Menu" and then "Items"

2- Click on "Collapse all" to have a view of all the categories without their items

3- Click on the 3 lines sign beside the category you want to move and drag the category to the required place


Sort Items

1- Go to "Menu" and then "Items"

2- Select the category you want to sort its items

3- Click on the 3 lines sign beside the items and drag the item to the required place




To watch a short video of how to sort categories


To watch a short video of how to sort items