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Setting up Facebook Business Extension (Order Food button)

What is Facebook Business Extension?

Basically, it is a bridge that connects your Zyda online store with your social media accounts.

How is that useful?

It is very useful, you get to have the Order Food button on Instagram, and Facebook. Additionally, your Facebook Pixel will be synchronized with your Zyda store. For more details about Facebook Pixel, you can refer to this article.

How to setup Business Extension (Facebook)



  • If you have a custom domain linked to Zyda the Order Food button will be connected to that domain.
  • If you don't have a custom domain the Order Food button will connect to orderfast.com/your-restaurant-website.


  1. Open your Zyda dashboard, then go to Marketing tab and click Connect next to Facebook Business Manager.
  2. Facebook page will load automatically, click Continue.
  3. Choose your business manager account from the list, usually there will be only one account, then click Continue. If you do not have one, you can click Create New.
  4. Choose your Facebook business page from the list, then click Continue. If you do not have one, you can click Create New.
  5. Choose your Instagram business profile from the list, then click Continue. If you do not have one, you can click Create New.
  6. Choose your ad account from the list, then click Continue. If you do not have one, you can click Create New.
  7. Choose your Meta Pixel from the list, then click Continue. If you do not have one, you can click Create New.
  8. Review your choices and "turn on" Automatic advanced matching, then click Continue.
  9. Approve that Zyda manages the business extension, then click Next.
  10. A confirmation message will appear. Click Done and you are all set!

You can also set it up using the Instagram app


  • Have ownership over the Facebook page, Instagram page.
  • Have a Facebook Business Manager account with the Facebook and Instagram pages connected to them.
    Follow this guide on Facebook if you face any issues
  • Have access level of Manager or Owner on Zyda dashboard.

You can see a quick video on how to set this up

1-Edit profile 
2- Action buttons
3- Order food
4- Zyda
5- Login with dashboard credentials 
6- Continue as store name
7- Done

[speed output image]

I am connected, now what?

The first thing you will notice is having the "Order Food' button on Instagram and Facebook. You may also notice the new quick links in your Zyda dashboard making it easier to visit your business manager.

Additionally, you will be able to directly open Manage Features. It will open your Facebook account, there, you will be able to do the following: Turn on or off the Order Food button from all of your connected platforms.