What is "Cashback" program and how to create it ๐Ÿค”

  • What is Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program?

  • How to create Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program?

  • How do Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Programs work?

What is Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program ๐Ÿค”

Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program is a feature that you can use to retain your customers and turn them into loyal regulars ones

How to create Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program ๐Ÿค”

User Authority to create "Cashback Program":

  • Owner โœ…

  • Manager โœ…

  • Operator โŽ

1- Go to "Orderfast" tab

2- Select "Loyalty"

3- Click on "Create Cashback Program" at the top right

4- Fill the needed details to create the program:

  • Program Name

  • Start Date

  • You can choose:

    • To "Run this program continuously"

    • Or "Choose when this program will end" and select the end date

  • Select the percentage of the cashback that the customer should receive of his payable amount (10% - 15% - 20% - 25%)

5- Click on "Add"


How Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Programs work ๐Ÿค”

  • How can customers benefit from the cashback program?


    • When a store has a loyalty program activated (10% for example), customers get 1 KD on a 10 KD order in their wallet.


    • This amount is not real money: itโ€™s only virtual which the customer will benefit from as a discount for the next order.

  • What happens to the cashback amount if the customers did not use it?


    • Cashaback wallet amounts can stack if not used and for now there is no expiry time for that amount if not used.

  • Does Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Programs can work with cash payments?


    • Cashback only works with online payments

  • What happens to the un-used cashback amounts if the program got deactivated?


    • If a program gets deactivated, the customers can still use their past entitled cashback amounts

  • Is it possible to create 2 or more Cashback Programs at the same time?


    • Only 1 program can be active at a time. Any previous cashback program will be deactivated once you create a new, active program

  • Does Cashback Programs support manual orders?


    • Cashback can be applied on manual orders that are paid online only

  • What happens to the cashback amount if the customer canceled his order?


    • If an order gets cancelled, its cashback amount gets cancelled as well

  • Where can customers view their wallet amounts & transactions?


    • Customers can view their wallet amounts & transactions from their profile after they log-in on the website

  • Is Cashback Programs supported by the stores that are integrated with POSs such as (Foodics)?


    • Pos integrations are not supported for the Cashback Loyalty Programs

To watch a short video of how to create "Orderfast Cashback Loyalty Program"