What is VERD's delivery rating 🤔

What is VERD's delivery rating?

It is an update that allows you to know your customers' feedback regarding their delivery experience to optimize performance and improve the delivery experience overall.

How can customers rate their delivery experience?

  • ّOnce the order is marked as delivered by the operator/driver or courier, your customer will be receiving a message through his WhatsApp number to rate the overall delivery experience (Good 😄, Okay 😐, Bad 🙁) and once the customer submits his rating, another message will be sent thanking the customer for his feedback.

How do ratings reflect on Zyda's dashboard?

  • Rating is displayed on the order card next to the order's basic information



  • If the order was not rated, it will show as -- & ? symbol and when when you click on the question mark it will say "delivery ratings are available with orders that used VERD"

  • Rating is displayed next to the driver's name in the assign window (⭐ 4.3) and it is calculated as the sum of score divided by the number of reviews.


    • For example: If I have 2 reviews one of them is scoring 5 and the other one is scoring 3, the total is 8 divided by 2 reviews received = ⭐ 4.0

  • If there were no ratings received for a specific driver/courier, it will show as ⭐-- to indicate that the driver/courier not yet rated