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How to setup Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4 🤔

To connect or set Google Tag Manager, follow the below steps:

What is Google Tag Manager?


Google Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app. Once the small segment of Tag Manager code has been added to your project, you can safely and easily deploy analytics and measurement tag configurations from a web-based user interface.

It is strongly advised that this tool would be used by advanced users as you can add more pixels and run ads from Tiktok, Google ads, Snapchat, etc. Check this list for supported integrations.


Integration Steps:

2- Login or create a new Google account

3- Click on Create Account



4- Provide your company name, location and choose if you wish to share anonymous data or not



5- Provide a container name and choose Web



6- Terms and Conditions page will pop-up. Click on Yes to proceed



7- The following page will appear. All you need is to copy the shown Tracking ID



8- Go to your Zyda dashboard, then paste the before mentioned Tracking ID in the box under Google Tag Manager. It will automatically check the ID and provide you with a confirmation message



9- Congratulations, you’ve set up Google Tag Manager with Zyda. To begin using Google Analytics, Google ads, etc. Continue below…



10- Download the template below:


11- Head back over to your GTM Workspace on https://tagmanager.google.com/

Once you're logged in, click on Admin




12- Click on Import Container



13- Once you've downloaded the file, proceed to import it into GTM



14- If your asked to select a workspace, click on the Default Workspace



15- Click on Confirm at the bottom of the page



16- Return back to your GTM and workspace and you should see that imported tags, triggers and variables have been added


17- To add your Google Analytics 4 measurement ID go to variables and open "GA4 Measurement ID" and replace "ADD_YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_CODE_HERE" with your measurement ID from Google Analytics. Make sure you are using a G-XXXXXXX property, and not a Universal Analytics UA-XXXXX property.



18- Once you’ve added your pixels and Google Analytics codes click submit


19- Click Publish



21- Click on Skip


And you're (FINALLY) done!

Now you should begin to see data flowing into your Google Analytics 4 account within 48 hours. however you can take a look at the "Realtime" tab in Google Analytics for real time data.


Best Practice:

To avoid duplicate events Make sure to disable enhanced measurement on your GA4 stream settings.

Google Analytics 4: property settings sign > Data Streams > Click on the stream



Turn off enhanced measurement


You've now set up GA4 using Google Tag Manager. You can explore the hundreds of other integrations available on Google Tag Manager tag integrations or in the community gallery.


  • Google Tag manager is intended for advanced users only

  • While setting up your Tag Manager, inform the technical person doing so that Zyda's storefront uses a single page application and "page views" may not always work. We suggest using our custom data layer event called "page_view"

To deep dive into GTM's Data Layer, you can check "[Advanced] What data does Zyda push to the Google Tag Manager Data Layer"



To watch a short video of how to create a segment targeting sms campaign